Online education is a growing choice, year after year we see the demand for just remote learning increasing. This year, we will see e-learning moving towards these trends…
- Applied Learning
Online education will increasingly be based not only on theory, but also on practice. It is about learning by doing something yourself. Of course, it has its limitations, because not everything can be done remotely, without the necessary tools. However, practice, which can go to the Internet, most likely will go, and we will be able to use it.
- High-Speed Learning
Users of educational courses pay close attention to the duration of courses. Many people prefer to take three short courses in quick succession rather than a long one. A 2014 study found that 94% of online students preferred shorter educational modules, and 65% thought that too much information was packed into each module. High-speed learning makes it possible to better tailor education to personal lifestyle and not get involved in longer studies.
- A Focus On Improving Skills
There is a rapid growth in demand for soft skills courses; the demand for some courses increased by 4,000%. What users want is to quickly improve certain skills to start using them and see real results.
- Bite-Size Learning
It has been shown that we are better at learning little by little. A stack of books you still have to read puts enormous pressure on you, and learning in small portions is better suited to the modern lifestyle.
- Flexible Training Formats
We are all different, and it is a key to the progress of society. Some like to do homework, while others prefer listening to lectures. There are those who prefer classes every day at certain times, and there are others for whom learning is an excuse for positive procrastination.
Why is it important to know the current trends in education? It will enable you to adapt your corporate training programs to modern requirements and help make them more attractive to your employees. If you are thinking about your own education, the trends will show you that, thanks to EdTech, contemporary education can be agile, convenient and effective. I hope that this is the year for everyone to invest in better and more efficient education.