
What can be done to give digital education human qualities?

Why can digital education positively impact any organization?

My name is Maciej Czerniawski. I’ve been building professional digital education tools for organizations for years. Many of our clients perceive them as the most intuitive they’ve encountered.

Our mission is to bring the most intuitive mobile learning solutions to as many people in the world as possible. 

We will achieve this goal – thanks to the ecosystem of educational platforms based on e-LEA Technology created by our company and cooperation with Partners and educational experts. 

As you can see, our goal is to make the tools as user-friendly as possible. However, the tools alone are not enough. You also need to take care of educational materials which will be made with great attention to content, readability, accessibility and aesthetics. 
I mentioned friendly tools and these are not just words. Please try for just a moment to experience the feeling of “magic” accompanying the readability and intuitiveness of the interface of the platform running on e-LEA technology. Regardless of whether it is a mobile app or a browser version for any smart device or computer.
Every form of education is built by people and is meant to serve and fulfill the needs of learners. Therefore, when we were creating our solutions we listened very carefully to people who had more experience in education than us. It was our interlocutors who told us what they expect from the platform.
All the time we are open to comments and suggestions on what to do even better. If you ask me whether the platform based on e-LEA technology is perfect? The answer is that there are no perfect solutions and our platform is no exception. However, it is created in such a way as to meet the expectations of intuitive use by both the authors publishing educational materials and the users undertaking their studies.

The Guide page is designed to answer the question of how to take a systemic approach to education in organizations such as universities, companies, institutions and schools. 

Thanks to e-LEA technology we are able to support any organization for which education is important.

For universities we launch, intuitive and modern educational platforms (LMS) which, importantly, meet all legal requirements for remote education. Live lectures in a form of so called virtual classroom, video, audio, video materials, exams, quizzes are available 24h on any device. We believe that our task is to make the learning process with the use of the platform based on e-LEA technology as user-friendly as possible. Thanks to the user-friendliness of the solution, students are more than 60% more likely (according to elearningindustry.com) to look at the educational materials. We also provide tools to attract more students or generate additional income for the university and the authors by distributing the materials outside the university. I will be happy to talk about this during individual consultations, to which I invite you.

Enterprises expect internal education on the correctness of the implementation of corporate or product processes and extended education on soft competencies. Thanks to our support in realization of internal trainings and trainings on hard competences as well as delivery of the platform we efficiently meet our clients’ needs. As a result of cooperation with experts in soft skills we are also able to deliver trainings prepared by leading trainers in the country.

Enterprises also expect hard data. Apart from the fact that the platform is used successfully by universities it has more advanced educational features than even what enterprises expect. This can only help in making a positive decision to implement a platform based on e-LEA technology.  The hard data is the result of economic calculations performed together with our clients. They show that if digital learning were applied to just 75% of training projects, budget savings should amount to more than 50% of the amount invested in training and employee development. For a company employing 1000 people, savings can range from PLN 300 thousand to over PLN 1 million per year.

A few more interesting facts:

Since 2010, the number of employees changing employers due to a lack of skills development opportunities has increased by 170% and 55% of business managers say it will be impossible to innovate due to a lack of team knowledge. (according to elearningindustry.com). 

Research conducted by ASTD the American Society for Training and Development shows that the 25% of companies that invest the most in employee education and development on average earn 24% more company revenue and 218% more revenue per employee compared to the 25% of companies that invest relatively the least in employee education and development.

Implementation of a learning platform is a natural process that will increase the profitability of the company and will not limit innovation and reduce employee turnover in the company. On this occasion, I encourage you to contact us and in just a few days your company can have the most friendly platform for team education and systemically solve the issue of team education.

Read more about the systematization of the process below.

Current as of March 2020, the reality of team education in traditional form has been drastically reduced and digital education will not only fill this gap but is poised to become a permanent part of optimizing the education process for students and employees.

We are open to presenting e-LEA startup platforms. It’s just one hour for an online meeting and it can positively impact the future of any university or business.

So where to start?

Why e-learning

  • has the highest cost efficiency ratio
  • automatically verifies the level of assimilation of educational material
  • It’s flexible
  • it’s available anywhere you want
  • allows you to learn at your own pace 
  • Enables learning on any device
  • offers a lot of ready-made training courses
  • ensures optimal use of: time, natural resources, energy savings of 90% and reduces Co2 emissions by 85% (according to the results of an open university study in the USA – elearningindustry.com)
  • has a “pause, stop, repeat” function – for easier understanding of complex educational material
  • increases engagement in the learning process through gamification features
  • encompasses the entire educational process from need to knowledge acquisition and verification.
  • adapts to the individual needs of each organization 
  • gives prestige because the educational materials are provided by recognized experts 
  • is the ideal solution for education during strict sanitation.

Optimization of the educational process

Based on the results of research published by Elearning Industry, it is known that modern methods of education in the broadly defined e-learning provide equally favorable, if not more favorable, results of knowledge acquisition than traditional forms. People using digital solutions for education remember 60% more information than those using traditional forms of communication.

Traditional forms used to be the main way to educate students or employees. However, this form has its limitations. These are: a relatively high level of costs compared to other forms of education, quantitative or time limitations. More and more often, there is an argument about the difficulty of verifying the effectiveness of the knowledge acquired in this way, as the results are difficult to measure. 

An interesting fact is the process of forgetting – illustrated by the so-called „Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve”. It shows that already an hour after the transfer of information, 50% of it is forgotten, and another 25% within the next day. If the educational material is not repeated, then within a month just over 20% will be remembered. 

The practice shows that not many educators look into the educational materials after the training or lectures. One of the reasons may be the lack of systematic verification of the level of knowledge. We know how it works with students whose “memorization curve” increases dramatically before the exams themselves. However, for both students and employees, it is possible to apply automatic system solutions on the educational platform, which will periodically verify the level of knowledge. This can only help.

For companies, you need to verify learning progress. Simply "giving" knowledge is not enough

Most employers say they do not have the tools to verify the level of learning of their employees. This, in turn, causes employees to have no extra motivation to learn and simply do not do it. The conclusion is – just giving knowledge does not work. Employees need to know that their level of learning will be verified and that good performance can not only help them develop, but can also be appreciated by the employer and have a significant impact on the course or development of their career. 

Make access easy. Get efficiency without overloading

The education process needs to be systematized. Today, businesses have the greatest capacity in history to deliver a large amount of information to their teams. However, if the process of delivering educational materials is not systematized, employees may be overloaded with too much information. According to employees, the materials to be assimilated are scattered. Some of it is on the intranet, other parts are sent at different times in the form of emails or passed on over the years in printed materials. In addition, over time, current material is mixed with outdated material.
The scattering of material is tantamount to a scattering of knowledge and anxiety on the part of the employee as to his or her responsibilities and a waste of energy and time. Here, in turn, systematization of materials would help. Beginning with ensuring that the material is up-to-date, properly sorted and then matching the material to the recipient. 
It is important to remember about the optimal amount and adjustment of the scope of knowledge to be acquired by each employee. You cannot allow a situation in which an employee with the competence “ABC” would receive educational materials from the competence “DEF. 
Start by checking if the employee has a clear understanding of where he or she can find relevant, up-to-date learning material. If there is a situation where he or she has to deal with the challenge of finding material in several places and verifying that the material is current and that he or she has a clear understanding of which materials are relevant to him or her? This sounds like a real challenge, but is it really that difficult?

Take advantage of reliable tools.

A solution for team education that combines high efficiency, accessibility and flexibility – and keeps budgets in check – is a mobile team education platform. 
The implementation of the platform takes several hours, after which the employees will have access in one place to: up-to-date, systematized educational materials or company procedures tailored to each employee. All they have to do is log on to the platform and that’s it. Employees can use an intuitive mobile application or even a computer for this purpose.
The employer, in turn, will see individual or team progress in acquiring knowledge or skills that match their competencies.

Effectively engage in learning

The natural increase in an employee’s priority and motivation to learn is a phenomenal effect. Each individual sees his or her performance compared to the average performance of the entire team.
How does it work? To quote a user of one of the platforms: “When the team is catching up and has better results than me – I can’t let my results display in red (results lower than the team average). I re-prioritize and complete courses with the best possible results so that my results are above the team average and displayed in “green”. (scores higher than the team average). Live updates cause me to check my position against the team at least once a day.”
The solution described above is based on one of the most modern trends in team education – gamification. 

Reach the educational optimum

Why using a mobile learning platform can make a company achieve optimal performance in educating teams? 
Let’s compare this for a moment with traditional training methods. When we sit in a training room and listen to a lecture we cannot use the “undo” button.
Thanks to the platform, the employees have convenient, mobile access to the materials 24 hours a day and it is possible to familiarize themselves with more difficult parts of the material several times. Tests checking the knowledge (according to the results of Roediger and Karpicke’s research) cause permanent memorization of the educational material and increase the priority of learning. What is more, when combined with gamification elements and the awareness that the results can influence career development, the process of changing the approach to learning has just begun.
When teams have well-chosen, up-to-date learning materials and the right motivation to learn, they are able to quickly assimilate knowledge while increasing the effectiveness of their actions. When teams achieve optimal results in learning, they achieve the best results in their areas of competence, they improve the company’s results as they have adequate resources to do so, which in a simple way translates into better use of company resources, customer satisfaction, higher revenues and ultimately increased value of the company. 
As Benjamin Franklin said – “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

As Benjamin Franklin said – “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. “

The functions described above correspond to the needs defined during conversations with entrepreneurs and university employees in Poland, Germany, and the U.S. over the course of 2016-2019. The functions responsible for knowledge acquisition are based on research results and educational trends corresponding to the expectations towards education of students and employees.  All of this came about from the hard work, passion, and desire for excellence that accompanied our team as we built the educational technology and ecosystem of e-LEA (e-lea.pl). I have been personally involved in the creation of this solution for years and I believe it will bring a lot of value to every organization that uses it.

Maciej Czerniawski