“The purpose of education is to exchange an empty head for an open head.” That’s how Malcolm Forbes put it. When I think about education in my day – how different it was, how much less opportunity. The world was different, Poland was different, technology… it’s a waste to say. I think one thing has not changed – schools taught different things back then. Schools didn’t prepare people for the modern world. They didn’t teach economics or psychology, or soft skills like emotional intelligence, stress management, or public speaking. And these are extremely important issues. So what if someone knows all the possible dates from the history of Poland and the world, if he or she doesn’t have communication skills – for example, if he or she is a closed person, sad, devoid of positive energy?

I have been conducting trainings on public speaking for many years – mainly for business people. I derive great joy and satisfaction from the fact that the trainees are satisfied and are glad that the time spent together was of great value. That is why I am glad that I will be an ambassador of the educational platform e-LEA. It is a platform that gives an opportunity to develop, improve competences, broaden knowledge, qualifications and horizons.

Yes, the world has changed. E-lea is a perfect symbol of the new world. This world as we know it, the modern world is largely digital, virtual, online, web-based. In the age of Covidu – willy-nilly – we are implementing ourselves into this reality at an accelerated pace. We would like to return as soon as possible to meetings, trainings, and learning in the so-called real world, because we simply need it. However, e-learning will remain an excellent area for education – even after the end of the epidemic (as soon as possible). Because due to the coronavirus, we have realized that the virtual world can be useful to us more and more often than we thought.

Maciej Orłoś

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